本公司是专业生产温度仪表的企业,主要产品有温度控制仪、热电偶、热电阻。产品广泛应用于科研、冶金、石油、化工、轻纺、塑料、食品、节能等行业。产品畅销全国各地及出口东南亚各国。 本公司技术力量雄厚,拥有先进生产设备和检测仪器。有可靠的质量保证体系和管理体系。产品选题完全符合国家标准及国际标准。特殊型号规格的还可随客户的要求来设计配套的温度仪表。 本公司的宗旨是“质量第一、信誉第一、用户第一、服务第一”诚招全国代理商。 This compawy specially prooduces fhernaometers. Its main mawulfactues are temper atwre wntrrolers,thermo couples,thermoresistances.Teh manuf-actuesarewdely used in many professions.such as scientifc reserh,petroleum,chemwicdl industry,light tex-tile industry,plastics,food endrgy econ omiizing ang so on. They have a good sell in the whole country and southeast asian countries.The compary has a strong technology power snce it owns advanced manufactuningfurnature as well as good management system.manu-factures of special types and standards can alto fall withm the scope of its business according to the customer’s domands,and it can it cande-sign the requised fitlinps of thermo-apparatus. The motto for the compomy has been like the followings,"quality first,credit and customers first".